Meet the team

Your Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter team is made up of a dedicated group of operational and support staff.

Within their individual departments and together, they work hard to provide a world-class air ambulance and rescue service for the Greater Auckland and Coromandel communities and beyond.

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Simon Tompkins



Simon Tompkins

Simon joined us as a board member in October 2018 and was appointed as Chairman in June 2019. He has enjoyed working for almost 40 years in the finance industry. Initially he was in an accounting role, followed by 12 years in investment banking, before shifting into an investment management role at Alvarium Wealth (NZ) Limited where he has been for the last 23 years. He is currently a Shareholder, Director and Chief Financial Officer for this prestigious company.

Flying is one of his passions. Simon has flown helicopters since the early 2000’s. In more recent times, he has enjoyed flying fixed wing aircraft as well having obtained a private pilot’s license for planes five years ago. In his spare time, Simon enjoys skiing and golf as well as spending time with a growing number of grandchildren.

Jane Sheetz



Jane Sheetz

Jane says she is, “honoured, passionate and motivated” about making a meaningful contribution to an organisation she believes, “provides a unique and very valuable service to the people of Greater Auckland and beyond.”

Jane joined the board in September 2020, applying her professional expertise in supporting commercial partnerships, sponsorship and fundraising across commercial enterprises, philanthropic and not-for-profit organisations, government agencies, academic institutions and communities.

Jane sees her role as building a family of businesses and community partnerships, creating opportunities for collaboration and investment, and ensuring positive outcomes and returns for all stakeholders in the life-saving work of the Trust. She also enjoys opportunities to use her skills in strategy, relationship and stakeholder management.

James Tayler



James Tayler

James initially worked as an engineer on nuclear submarines in the Royal Navy before retraining as a navy helicopter pilot. After nearly 30 years flying a variety of military aircraft for the British and New Zealand navies, he moved to the civilian EMS world, initially flying the Sikorsky S76 before joining ARHT in 2015.

In his spare time, James likes to ride his motorbike (carefully). In the winter he enjoys skiing and during the warmer weather spending time on the water, fishing, paddleboarding and kayaking.

Karl Taylor

Chief Operating Officer / Critical Care Paramedic


Karl Taylor

Karl joined the Trust in 2011, having worked as a St John paramedic for some 12 years. Since joining the Trust, Karl has received winch training and was serving in the unique role of Crewman/Intensive Care Paramedic before being appointed to Chief Paramedic in 2016.

Karl enjoys the social aspect of his job helping people. He is proud to be working for an organisation that’s dedicated to saving lives.

Karl’s wife Emma is also an Intensive Care Paramedic and currently works part-time as a Clinical Coach.  Outside of work, a lot of the couple’s free time revolves around their children. Karl also enjoys fishing, tramping, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Mark (Tinny) Cannell

Deputy Flight Operations Manager / Air Crew Officer

Air Crew Officers

Mark (Tinny) Cannell

Tinny joined ARHT in 2004 as a Crewman. Prior to this he served with the NZ Airforce for 14 years, conducting operations in various theatres.

On his days off, Tinny enjoys the outdoors, especially fishing with his daughter, Charlea.

Christopher Denny

Northern Rescue Medical Director / PHRM Doctor


Christopher Denny

Chris joined the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust in September 2011 to serve as the inaugural Auckland Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) Medical Director. The service is now referred to as Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine (PHRM). Chris says it is a privilege to work with our ARHT team to develop a clinical service at the vanguard of early, safe, optimal patient care.

Prior to moving to New Zealand, Chris worked in Toronto, Ontario, Canada as an academic Emergency Physician, Trauma Team Leader, Transport Medicine Physician and Urban Search and Rescue Team Doctor.

Chris also works as a Senior Medical Officer in Emergency Medicine at the Auckland City Hospital, and as a Clinical Team Leader for the New Zealand Medical Assistance Team. Chris and his family are grateful to live in the beautiful region of Auckland.

Shaan Hulena

General Manager


Shaan Hulena

Shaan was appointed General Manager of ARHT in June 2020. He was previously Corporate Fundraising Manager, a position he held for five years. Shaan has been with the Trust since 2009 and in his spare time he’s either coaching three of his children’s rugby teams or chasing workups in the Hauraki Gulf.

Shaan’s goal is to not only achieve but to exceed industry standards for the fundraising sector, striving to achieve the very best as an organisation, in line with our operational objective of providing the very best patient care possible.

Rob Arrowsmith



Rob Arrowsmith

Rob joined ARHT in 2010, after 13 years in the NZ Air Force flying helicopters throughout NZ, East Timor, New Caledonia and Fiji.

Military flying had many exciting moments for him, but the most rewarding were the infrequent medical / SAR jobs, which he gets to do daily at ARHT.

When the sun is shining, Rob is able to watch a lot of what the clinicians do for the patients – the complexity of the scenes that they’re working within while keeping a sharp mind and remaining compassionate is something he finds awe inspiring. When the weather is bad, he feels fortunate to have generous supporters which allow the crew to maintain the ability to fly through the weather on instruments only, a capability he is very passionate about. Rob says the only downside of the job is getting around the region so quickly by chopper, only to then get in your car and slowly crawl through the traffic afterwards!

Paul Robinson



Paul Robinson

Paul joined ARHT in 2011.  He has a background in EMS, flying an S76 in Northland, and working on Police operations around Auckland.  He is a Flight Instructor, NVG Instructor and one of our ARHT Flight Examiners.

Paul looks after the Training Department, which involves making sure everyone is up to speed – a task he says is made easier by the high calibre of our crew! He enjoys the challenge of the job and considers it a privilege to work at ARHT.

Paul is happily married with twin teenage daughters. He enjoys time off when he can get it.

Johnny Stanton



Johnny Stanton

Johnny joined ARHT from the Royal New Zealand Navy, where he flew and instructed on the Seasprite. The highlight of his military career was anti-piracy and counter-narcotic operations off the Horn of Africa and Somalia when on exchange with the Royal Navy flying the Lynx.

New to EMS, Johnny enjoys the real difference each mission can make to our patients.  Outside work, he enjoys racket sports, the TV programme 'Suits', and hanging out with his family.

Rob Anderson



Rob Anderson

Rob has been employed with ARHT since 2009.

He has flown in Auckland and overseas, including Canada and the Arctic tundra, as well as Fiji.

He enjoys spending his spare time with his wife and young boy.

Jason Haggitt

Pilot / Ardmore Base Manager


Jason Haggitt

Jason has been flying for over 30 years but first soloed as a 16 year old. Jason's 14 year RNZAF career, mainly on the Bell Huey helicopter, included operations in Antarctica, the Pacific Islands and East Timor.  During this time he also spent two years on exchange with the Royal Navy and flew Sea King Commando helicopters at sea, and in Bosnia and Central America.  Jason transferred to the Royal New Zealand Navy to fly the Seasprite in 2003 and undertook various seaborne operations including in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. After nearly 30 years in Defence, he left to spend a couple of years flying the Eagle helicopter for the New Zealand Police, and occasionally for the Wellington and Taranaki rescue helicopters, before joining ARHT in July 2019.

Jason is really looking forward to coming to grips with the new AW169 and helping turn this exciting platform into a real step-up in rescue capability for the people of Auckland and upper North Island.

Outside of flying, he enjoys keelboat sailing, alpine skiing, old cars and motorsport. He lives on the North Shore with his partner and two children.

Aaron Knight



Aaron Knight

Aaron joined ARHT in 2015. He has always had a huge passion for flying from a young age. He gained his CPL(H) in 2008,  completed CPL(A) in 2015 and has a single pilot IFR rating.

Aaron has flown helicopters in far north Queensland Australia in the Torres Straits, on extensive over water operations and flown out of a remote community in northern BC Canada, on Oil and Gas support, as well as wild animal tracking and recovery.

Simon Owen



Simon Owen

Simon joined ARHT in 2016 as a Crewman/Co-Pilot. Before this, he spent the last four years as a helicopter pilot in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia, predominantly conducting a variety of land management tasks, including aerial prescribed burning, firefighting, feral animal control and flora surveys.

Simon’s goal was always to become an EMS helicopter pilot and he enjoys the combination of the practical and procedural aspect of the role. Outside of work, he enjoys bush and beach walks with his wife Sophie, andcruising on his motorbike.

Richard Selby

Air Crew Officer / Co-Pilot


Richard Selby

Richard joined ARHT in 2012 as crewman/co-pilot. With a background in sailing, originally qualified as a Naval Architect and having worked as a captain of super yachts for over 10 years, aviation arrived later in life.

Working a part of a small dedicated team is certainly the highlight of his role with the rescue helicopter, and being involved across both the medical and aviation disciplines keeps the job exciting.

Vasya Makhinko

Air Crew Officer / Co-Pilot


Vasya Makhinko

Having grown up on an Air Force base, surrounded by military aircraft, it was Vasya’s lifelong dream to become a pilot. He fulfilled this dream aged 22 and has been flying for over a decade, working in a variety of settings. This has included medical evacuation missions, aerial photography, filming and anti-poaching work. His work has taken him from the plains of Africa to the sub-freezing temperatures of Canada’s Arctic Circle.

A near-fatal car accident when he was 19 placed him in a critical condition and in need of an emergency rescue flight. This event inspired his desire to become a member of the Emergency Medical Services and use his abilities and passion to help and care for the people in need, as he was cared for, which he finds incredibly rewarding.

He joined ARHT towards the end of 2017 and really enjoys the challenging aspects of the job and working with such a dedicated group of professionals.  

When not on base, he enjoys New Zealand's great outdoors, especially snowboarding and hiking, watching good action movies, and a game of paintball.

Casey Drum

Deputy Clinical Operations Manager


Casey Drum

Casey joined ARHT in May 2016, after seven years at St John Ambulance. Ten years prior to that he was leading white water expedition rafting trips internationally.

Casey enjoys the challenge of combining rescue and pre-hospital medicine. On his days off he loves spending time with his two sons at the beach or in the caravan. Other interests include making furniture, beekeeping and surfing.

Russell (Rusty) Clark

Critical Care Paramedic


Russell (Rusty) Clark

Rusty has worked at ARHT since 2011, and been an Intensive Care Paramedic for 11 years.

He loves the challenges and rewarding nature of the pre-hospital environment.

Rusty enjoys spending his spare time with his soulmate, Kateshe, and their two boys.

Marcel Driessen

Critical Care Paramedic


Marcel Driessen

Marcel’s connection with the ARHT began in the mid 1990’s on a casual / informal basis well before full-time medical crewing. Since the early 2000's he has worked in a more permanent role for the Trust.

Marcel's background is with St John initially as a volunteer in Tairua and then eventually as an Intensive Care Paramedic in Auckland in the mid 1990's. For Marcel, the never knowing - where, when and what the challenges of the job will be on a daily basis (from helping to deliver a baby in the helicopter to providing lifesaving treatment for a car crash or medical patient or rescuing a tramper out of the bush) is what he thrives on. The camaraderie between the crews and working within high pressure environments also add to his satisfaction of helping others out in their time of need.

As a ‘Westie’, Marcel enjoys the various opportunities that the Waitakere bush and West Coast beaches offer.

Russell Clarke

Critical Care Paramedic


Russell Clarke

Russell joined ARHT in 2009.

He previously worked in the New Zealand Air Force, where he served as a paramedic for 20 years.

Ross Aitken

Clinical Operations Manager / Critical Care Paramedic


Ross Aitken

Ross has worked in the ambulance service for 14 years and joined ARHT in 2011. He loves working in this industry and says that combining medicine with rescue work is what makes this people-centred job so fantastic.

Rob Gemmell

Critical Care Paramedic


Rob Gemmell

Rob has been an ambulance Paramedic for 18 years and has been flying in EMS helicopters for the last 10 years.

He has been serving the greater Auckland region with the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust for the past 7 years and says the most rewarding part of his career is putting the patient first and engaging in continual innovation.

Josh Sanders

Critical Care Paramedic


Josh Sanders

Prior to joining the ARHT team in June 2019, Josh has enjoyed six years service with St John with the last three and a half years working as an Intensive Care Paramedic.

He is most looking forward to the challenge of taking his new role into more difficult situations with the additions of remote environments, patient accessibility and operating out of an aircraft.

Josh's interests outside of work are pistol shooting, hunting, hiking and tramping.

Andreas Schold

Critical Care Paramedic


Andreas Schold

Andreas worked for 12 years frontline ambulance, predominantly in West Auckland, and worked for the Northland Emergency Services Trust (NEST) for one year before joining the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter team in June 2019.

He says he is most looking forward to joining a professional and progressive team. In his own time, as much as time allows, he enjoys looking after his health and fitness. That said, with three young children, he doesn't have much time to spare!

Max Cawley

Chief Air Crew Officer

Air Crew Officers

Max Cawley

Max was previously a Helicopter Crewman in both the Royal New Zealand Air Force and Royal New Zealand Navy and also spent several years working in Australia for Boeing Defence as an Aircrewman Instructor.

He is enjoying his role where every day is different and knowing he is part of a team, both in the air and on the ground, that is devoted to providing medical assistance to those that need it.

Max enjoys spending time with his family, loves to fish, golf and also confesses he has a ‘mild’ addiction to online FPS gaming!

Max and his fiancé Paula have three kids and two cats between them!

Max joined ARHT in July 2019.

Max was previously a Helicopter Crewman in both the Royal New Zealand Air Force and Royal New Zealand Navy and also spent several years working in Australia for Boeing Defence as an Aircrewman Instructor.

He is enjoying his role where every day is different and knowing he is part of a team, both in the air and on the ground, that is devoted to providing medical assistance to those that need it.

Max enjoys spending time with his family, loves to fish, golf and also confesses he has a ‘mild’ addiction to online FPS gaming!

Max and his fiancé Paula have three kids and two cats between them!

Max joined ARHT in July 2019.

Callan Carn-Bennett

Air Crew Officer

Air Crew Officers

Callan Carn-Bennett

Callan has enjoyed a number of emergency service roles including working as an ambulance officer for 18 years. He still works on a casual basis for St John as an emergency medical technician. Callam also volunteers with the Silverdale Fire Brigade, having done so for 16 years, and has worked on a number of different rescue helicopters in the central North Island region. Joining our team in August 2019, Callan says he's most looking forward to working with the AW169s, continuing to help people and working alongside medical staff he's shared time with on road ambulances over the years.

Callan's interests outside of work are fishing, swimming, and hanging out with his wife Erin and daughter on the Hibiscus Coast, which is home these days. Callan also loves a good BBQ!

Geoff (Polly) Polglase

Air Crew Officer

Air Crew Officers

Geoff (Polly) Polglase

There are two things you leave the defence force with, aviation experience and a nickname.

Meet Geoff “Polly” Polglase.

Joining ARHT with previous experience on the venerable UH-1 Iroquios as a Helicopter Crewman, Polly served with the Air Force in New Zealand, Antarctica, Solomon Islands and East Timor. After leaving the Air Force, he embarked on a nine year career in real estate. Polly recently set up his own real estate company based in Hobsonville, a place he has called home since he was 17 years old.

From hot climates to the coldest, Polly says flying is in his blood. He joined our team in September 2021.

Tony Smith

PHRM Doctor and Medical Director, St John


Tony Smith

Tony joined ARHT in 2011 as one of the PHRM doctors. He is also an Intensive Care Medicine Specialist at Auckland City Hospital and is the Medical Director for St John Ambulance in New Zealand.

Tony has been with the PHRM team since it began and is very passionate about improving emergency care to people throughout New Zealand.

Married with two adult daughters, Tony is keen on cycling, fishing and gardening during the few periods he is not at work.

Emma Batistich

PHRM Doctor (Acting PHRM Education Lead)


Emma Batistich

Emma joined ARHT in November 2015 as a PHRM doctor. She also works as an Emergency Medicine Specialist at Auckland City Hospital.

Emma loves working with the ARHT team and all the challenges of taking the resuscitation room to the beach/roadside/paddock. Outside of work she enjoys travel adventures, cycling, crossfit and SCUBA diving when feeling energetic, and knitting/Netflix when some blobbing is needed.

Alana Harper

Northern Rescue Deputy Medical Director (Safety and Quality) / PHRM Doctor


Alana Harper

Alana is an Emergency Medicine Specialist at Auckland City Hospital. She has been a PHRM Doctor with ARHT since 2011, and loves being able to provide critical-care level medicine outside of the hospital, and the variety of work this job brings.

Outside of medicine, Alana is mum to a young family.

Paul Blakemore

PHRM Doctor


Paul Blakemore

Paul arrived in Invercargill from the UK in 2008 and finished his emergency medicine training in Auckland, working as an ARHT PHRM Fellow in 2015.

Despite moving to Tauranga to take on a role as their trauma lead in the emergency department, he continues to fly with the Trust twice a month.  When not traveling between both cities, he loves kayak fishing, cooking curries and spending time with his little kiwi daughter.

Nicholas Longley

PHRM Doctor


Nicholas Longley

Nick joined ARHT as a PHRM Doctor in 2016 and also works as an Emergency Medicine Physician in the Auckland region.

Prior to returning to Auckland in 2011, Nick worked and lived in the UK and Australia for many years. His spare time is spent with his wife, enjoying watching their young son Sebastian grow, explore and develop.

Stephanie Valent

PHRM Doctor


Stephanie Valent

Stephanie is an Emergency Medicine Trainee in her final stage of training and is developing a strong interest in Emergency medical care outside the hospital.

Hailing from Whangarei Heads, she worked for a few years at Whangarei Hospital before arriving in Auckland to complete her training.

When she is not working, she loves getting into the outdoors and particularly enjoys horse riding, tramping and spearfishing.

Louise Park

PHRM Doctor


Louise Park

Louise works as an Emergency Medicine Specialist at the Auckland City Hospital, and is the clinical lead for Wellness and Resilience at the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust.

A self-confessed thrill-seeker, Louise can often be found feeding her addictions to various snow and water sports, or planning her next outdoor or travel adventure.

Jono Wills

PHRM Doctor


Jono Wills

Jono moved from Tauranga to Auckland in 2012 and has worked throughout the Auckland region. Most recently, he spent a few years working at a trauma hospital in East London. Jono is currently working as an Emergency Medicine Fellow at Auckland Hospital and is enjoying being part of Westpac Rescue Auckland which he describes as a cohesive team that really make a positive impact on the community.  

Outside of work, Jono enjoys getting stuck into DIY projects at home (mostly unfinished he admits), heading out into nature for an adventure, or just kicking a ball around at the park. He also enjoys spending time with his wife and young daughter.

Jono began work at ARHT in June 2019.

Kerry Holmes

PHRM Doctor


Kerry Holmes

Kerry is a born and bred Aucklander and works as an Anaesthetist at North Shore and Waitakere Hospitals. He has also worked as a Flying Doctor for the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Alice Springs Australia and throughout Africa with the AMREF Flying Doctors based in Kenya. Kerry's thrilled to be part of the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust which he considers a forward-thinking team, helping provide world class care in world class helicopters.

When not working, he enjoys getting to the beach and spending as much time as possible with his wife and two boys.

Anil Joshi

Northern Rescue PHRM Training Supervisor / PHRM Doctor


Anil Joshi

Anil joined ARHT in December 2019.

He was born in the UK with all of his post graduate training done in a major trauma centre in East London. In 2017, his family moved to New Zealand to a much warmer Whangārei where he worked in the Emergency Department at Whangārei Hospital and did inter-hospital retrieval work for the Northland Emergency Services Trust. He then moved to Auckland spending time in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit in Starship Hospital and then Middlemore Emergency Department.

As a Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Fellow, he splits his time between ARHT and Auckland City Hospital's Emergency Department. Anil enjoys the diversity of disciplines who come together to form a small team at ARHT. He says everyone has different professional backgrounds and something unique to add to the table. Anil adds the crew enjoy learning from each other on a daily basis.

In his spare time Anil enjoys going on Kiwi adventures with his young family of four as well as running, swimming and kayaking.

David Peak

PHRM Doctor


David Peak

We welcomed David aboard to the team in January 2020.

David is an emergency medicine consultant currently working at the Waitemata District Health Board and has been there for 13 years. He is Auckland born and bred and trained here.

David says he is really excited to be a part of the ARHT team and finds his job exciting providing the best patient care often in challenging conditions. "I love working in a team environment and can see the difference the service makes to Kiwis in their time of need," he says.

David is married with two children. He is an avid surfer and loves his tennis. He tries to get outdoors as often as possible and is always up for a new adventure. Other hobbies include skiing, swimming and cycling.

Kate St Louis

PHRM Doctor


Kate St Louis

Kate joined ARHT in February 2021 as a Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine fellow.

She's been in New Zealand for the last seven years, working in Hawkes Bay and Christchurch before moving to Auckland to join our team.

Kate is nearing the end of her emergency medicine training and currently undertaking a diploma in Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine with a view to continue to work in this field.

The best thing about the job for her so far, Kate says is, "being a member of an awesome team and having my son say, 'that's Mama's Helicopter' whenever he sees the chopper overhead."

When Kate's not at work or chasing after her two year old, she loves to be out on her bike or spending time with her whānau.

Michelle Geange

Office Manager


Michelle Geange

Michelle (Shellie) has been with ARHT since 2001.  Prior to that, she was juggling gaining her Diploma in Business Management and Diploma in Photography.

Shellie has been an integral part of our data processing team and has taken on a fundamental role within our new database system, ensuring that donations and statistical analysis is maintained accurately.

Paul Yates

Sponsorship Manager


Paul Yates

Paul worked for 30 years in the Toy industry, starting with a Saturday morning job at the Toy Warehouse. He then progressed to management and became a Branch Manager for Deka.

Following on from Deka, Paul worked as an Account Manager at Thos Holdsworth & Sons Ltd for 20 years before, joining ARHT in 2016.

In his spare time, Paul likes to ride his Harley Davidson Motorcycle as often as possible, and also enjoys a spot of fishing and mountain biking.

Bruce Kerr

Patient Liaison Officer


Bruce Kerr

Bruce Kerr is an ex-Intensive Care Paramedic for the Trust. He retired from full-time active duty in December 2016, after over 20 years service with ARHT and 20 years with St John Ambulance. Bruce completed over 3,000 rescue missions in that time.  Bruce is now working two days a week out of the Trust's fundraising office, speaking to our patients and answering any questions they may have, as well as assisting the Planned Giving Manager with bequest-related enquiries and speaking engagements.

Hannah Reed

Project Manager


Hannah Reed

A major driving force in Hannah's life has been to surround herself with inspiring people, help others in whatever way she can, and to have a passion for all that she does.

Hannah loves creating opportunities for people and observing the positive impacts that events bring to our communities, our cultures and our livelihoods.

Originally from the UK, Hannah studied in Cornwall and received a First Class Hons in Events Management. She was also awarded a prize for the greatest charitable contribution after setting up her own charity focussed on Mental Health prevention within higher educational institutions, while she was studying.

Since graduating, Hannah has done volunteer work and has made it her mission to gain as much industry experience as possible managing private, commercial, corporate and charity events, in the UK, South Africa and New Zealand.

In Hannah's free time, she loves painting, experimenting in the kitchen, and getting out and having as many adventures as possible.

Hannah joined the ARHT team in July 2019.

Dan Coombe

Contract Creative


Dan Coombe

Daniel has been building brands for more than two decades and formally worked as a Creative and then Creative Director at leading advertising and creative agencies. He has worked in Auckland, Amsterdam and London before joining the Trust in 2014. A proud member of the Trust, he now enjoys using his creative powers for good and loves being part of a team that makes such a difference in the community.

Barry Watkin

Logistical Support


Barry Watkin

Barry was the Chief Paramedic for the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust, retiring from active duty in 2016.

Barry has worked for the rescue service since 1997 and now continues in a flexible part-time role, assisting with vehicle management, equipment pick-up, staff retrievals, public speaking engagements and ambulance liaison. He also provides helicopter awareness/safety presentations to rural Ambulance and/or NZ Fire service staff, as well as training and education for rural EMS volunteers.

Barry enjoys continuing to promote the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust in any capacity he can.

Jane Dyke

Document Controller


Jane Dyke

Jane started working for ARHT in October 2013. Jane's role is to assist the Flight Operations Manager, Safety Manager, Training Manager, Crew Chief, and Paramedics to maintain ARHT's documentation.

In her spare time, she enjoys relaxing at a café for a morning latte, exercise, travelling, the outdoors and being a Joyologist with a dash of pink! She has also been roped into helping her 94 year old inspiration write a book.

Jane loves to spend time with her family, friends and beautiful pooch, who she gets to take kayaking. Jane’s paddle-boarding skills need to be honed before she can take her pooch on board.

Leanda Hunt

CEO's Office Manager


Leanda Hunt

Leanda began working for ARHT in 2015. Prior to that she was in a business advisory role for the Business Excellence Awards.

Debbie Bell

Operations Support – Administration


Debbie Bell

Debbie had first-hand experience as a patient after her family was involved in a major car accident in 2012.  She feels an immense appreciation for the lifesaving service that the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust provides.

After a long recovery, Debbie started with the Trust in early 2014 as our Volunteers Manager. She loved working with the amazing team of loving, hardworking, and passionate volunteers who make up the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust Volunteer Whanau.

In July 2020, Debbie moved on to her new role as Operations Support – Administration for Northern Rescue Helicopters Limited at our ARHT base in Ardmore.

Fraser Burt

Maintenance Controller


Fraser Burt

Fraser has been an aircraft engineer since 1994, starting in the RNZAF then spent some time in the UK and in NZ on airliners. He made the move to helicopters in 2006.

Fraser really enjoys his job at ARHT knowing his efforts are a part of helping others in trouble. Outside of work he loves spending time with his wife and two children. Fraser also runs one of the two Te Puru cub packs which he attends with his son.

Michelle Jagiello

Engineering Administrator


Michelle Jagiello

Michelle joined the team in February 2020 to assist the Aircraft Maintenance Controller and Engineering team. She has spent the last 14 years as an Aircraft Maintenance Planner working for Flightline Aviation and Airbus Helicopters.    

Michelle likes to spend her free time socialising with friends and family as well as being involved in the many sporting commitments of her two sons.

Chris Purdeu

Corporate Team Member


Chris Purdeu

Chris joined the ARHT fundrasing team back in 1999, after completing a BA at university and making ends meet doing a variety of handy-man type jobs.

Now married with three kids, Chris just loves being a part of the ARHT team that helps save so many lives.

Ros Denton

Corporate Team Member


Ros Denton

Ros started with ARHT in 2011, bringing her passion for helping people and providing a great service.

She is excited about being part of a great team which help deliver such an essential lifesaving service to everyone in the Auckland and Coromandel Regions.

In her spare time, Ros and her husband like to escape to their bach in Whangamata, with the rest of the family and their dog, Lexi.

Nigel Hood

Corporate Team Member


Nigel Hood

Originally hailing from London, UK, Nigel spent seven and a half years in the RAF on a helicopter squadron. After leaving the RAF, Nigel worked as a photo manager on board cruise ships for several cruise lines, sailing throughout the Caribbean.

Returning back to the UK was not an option (after coming from such warm temperatures), so he moved out to Florida where he lived for 20 years. Here, he had his own commercial photography company and real estate brokerage, selling  hotels.

After arriving on the shores of New Zealand, Nigel got right into the kiwi culture, racing kayaks and Waka amas for a local team and training for his pilot license.

In his spare time, you can often find him riding around this beautiful countryside on his motorcycle.

Nigel also volunteers with Coastguard Air Patrol, when not spending time with his two beautiful daughters, Hannah and Alexa.

Phillip Hedstrom

Corporate Team Member


Phillip Hedstrom

Phillip started with the Trust in 2006 as part of a small Corporate Fundraising team.

In his spare time, Phillip enjoys fishing, golf and traveling to Asia and the Pacific Islands.

Rob Taylor

Corporate Team Member


Rob Taylor

After a successful career in real estate, Rob returned to ARHT in September 2018. He had worked with the Corporate Fundraising Team previously for five years. Rob has lived in Japan for eight years where he met his wife Makiko. The Taylors have two sons. When not busy with family, Rob enjoys football and plays the sport year round.

Phil Sheffield

Corporate Team Member


Phil Sheffield

Phil joined the Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust in 2011. He enjoys his day to day interaction with Supporters and being a part of the Fundraising Team. In his spare time, he likes to catch a big fish or a good flick as well as eating out with friends.

Kim Walker

Community Team Member / Event Coordinator


Kim Walker

Kim joined ARHT in 2004 and has been involved in many different roles during this time - from running around teaching school students our Crew Fitness Test, through to conducting early morning boot camps for staff, and through to her most recent role of managing the Community Fundraising Team.

Kim loves the challenge of CrossFit, still gets excited about coming to work after all these years, and feels like she does a good deed every day.

She feels super proud to be part of the organisation and work alongside a wonderful bunch of people.

Miles Tillott

Community Team Member


Miles Tillott

Miles has been part of the Community Fundraising team since October 2015.

Miles enjoys talking to all of the Trust's loyal supporters and says that being part of a world class rescue helicopter service is what keeps him going. That and a bit of golf or fishing at the weekend!

Orla Fowden

Critical Care Paramedic


Orla Fowden

Orla joined the ARHT team in January 2022.

Orla is an Intensive Care Paramedic in the Lakes Territory (an area which includes Rotorua, Taupo Reporoa, Murapara and Turangi). Prior to this, she worked as an ICP on the South Island’s West Coast helicopter service and as the Right Care Advisor for the South Island.

Orla is enjoying the challenge of adding a whole new skill set on top of being an Intensive Care Paramedic. She says the ARHT team have been, “amazing and so welcoming.”

Outside of work, Orla loves spending time with her dogs and partner on their mountain bikes. “If we’re not at work, we’ll usually be lost in the Redwoods,” she says.

Ben Jones

Critical Care Paramedic


Ben Jones

Ben joined the ARHT team in December 2021.

Prior to this, Ben worked as an Intensive Care Paramedic in Auckland.

Ben says what he enjoys about his job the most is, “The many challenging environments that we get ourselves into. The variety of work and complexity of the jobs, keeps me on my toes so we really need to keep an eye out for each other.”

Outside of work hours, Ben enjoys being active and making the most of the day. Surfing, fishing, football and walking the forest with his wife and dog are just some of the things he likes to do.

Alice Tolich

Critical Care Paramedic


Alice Tolich

Alice joined the ARHT team in November 2021, but continued to work at the Northland Emergency Services Trust base in Whangārei over the 2021/2022 summer period.

Alice joined the NEST team in late 2020. Prior to this, she worked as an ambulance officer in Auckland for seven years.

Alice is enjoying her time with the Ardmore-based ARHT team.

“I love working with and learning alongside great clinicians,” she says, “Also getting to work outside in the elements is awesome!”

Alice has plenty to occupy her time outside of work too.

“I love food and adventures - so anything that can combine the both of those is a good time,” she jokes, “Hiking with my husband and hanging out in the garden with our cat and chickens are also top of my list of wonderful things.”

William Thompson

Critical Care Paramedic


William Thompson

“Will” became part of the ARHT Team in December 2021.

Prior to this, he was working as a Critical Care Paramedic out of Auckland City’s Pitt Street ambulance station.

Will is especially enjoying the teamwork aspect that working with ARHT provides.

“I enjoy being part of small professional team where each crew member on a job has a unique set of skills to contribute,” he says, “Experiencing how it all comes together to get the job done is really impressive. Without each other, we wouldn't be able to complete a mission. It's a real team effort and I feel privileged to work with such an inspiring bunch.”

When downing tools for the day, William enjoys spending as much time outdoors as possible - whether it’s hunting, taking his two young kids on adventures, or completing exercises with the Army Reserve.

Stuart Callow

Air Crew Officer

Air Crew Officers

Stuart Callow

Stuart was welcomed to the team in December 2021.For the previous two and a half years, he was working out of the Hamilton base as a Crewman with the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter. Stuart's favorite part of the job is being part of a well-oiled team, being called upon to put all of his training into practice.

He enjoys getting a tough or technical job done safely and efficiently, improving the patient's outcome! "The ability to make a real difference to a person's life and turn a bad situation into a good one is what keeps me enthusiastic and striving for the gold standard," Stuart says.

When downing tools, Stuart enjoys staying active. "Mainly getting out on the boat or mountain bike and making the most of being able to play in our awesome back yard!" he says.

Simon Thorpe

Safety Manager / Air Crew Officer

Air Crew Officers

Simon Thorpe

Simon (Thorpy) has been working for the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter service since October 2021, initially as an Air Crew Officer (ACO) on a casual basis, before joining the team full-time on appointment as the Safety Manager in October 2023. Simon continues to fly as a qualified ACO.

The majority of Simon’s working life has been in aviation. After initial service in the NZ Army, Simon transferred on selection for air crew training across to the RNZAF and has operated as a crew member on both rotary and fixed wing aircraft, serving in New Zealand and on operations overseas. After the RNZAF Simon held airport and airline management roles with Air New Zealand, followed by a brief stint in the maritime sector at Ports of Auckland as an operations manager prior to his current appointment as Safety Manager.

Simon and his family call the “City of Sails” Tamaki Makaurau Auckland home. An avid “free-fitter” and passionate out-rigger (wakaama) canoe paddler, Simon likes to spend time on the water and watching his boys play rugby and basketball.

Stephen Wood

PHRM Doctor


Stephen Wood

Stephen joined the team in August 2021.

He is training to be an Emergency Medicine registrar working throughout the major Auckland hospitals, and Sydney prior to that.

Stephen is interested in trauma management,  improvements in clinical care and teaching junior doctors. He has always held the ARHT team in high regard and even helped with fund-raising when he was in high school!

Working with such highly trained and motivated people has been fantastic he tells us.  

"I have been impressed by what the what the crew are able to achieve in challenging clinical environments," Stephen says, "The training has been fantastic. I particularly enjoyed doing winch training,  and  the views are excellent!

Outside of work, Stephen is often seen running around after a very energetic two year old and an even more energetic Springer Spaniel. He likes to get out of Auckland and go hiking or scuba diving in the Coromandel.

Natalie Kay

PHRM Doctor


Natalie Kay

Natalie was welcomed onboard in February 2022.

As an Emergency Doctor, Natalie has worked in both adult and paediatric Intensive Care Units. At ARHT, she is enjoying being part of an adaptive and proactive team and learning new skills in prehospital medicine.

“As part of this job, I also get to complete a Diploma in Prehospital and Retrieval Medicine which has recently been integrated into the role for doctors,” she says.

In her free time, Natalie enjoys trail running, bird photography and mountain biking.

Matt Shrimpton



Matt Shrimpton

Matt joined ARHT in Oct 2022 and has been flying for over 35 years.  Initially a Navy pilot, more recently, he supported the energy industry on passenger transferand search and rescue operations in a variety of countries around the world.  

Matt finds the camaraderie and variation in tasking particularly enjoyable aspects of working at ARHT.  In often challenging situations, he says that it is a privilege to support the community and to be a part of an awesome team working seamlessly together, to achieve the most positive outcome for those in need of help.  

Matt lives on the North Shore with his family. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling, gardening and getting out on the water on kayaks and paddleboards.  

George Hoskins

Facilities Support


George Hoskins

George started at our Ardmore Base in June 2022 in a part-time Operational Support role.

He has worked in the Aircraft refuelling industry for the past 17 years at Ardmore.

George says he's always had a passion for aviation, "...thus my interest in working with this great team..." at Auckland Westpac Rescue.

George enjoys flying , getting away in his campervan, supporting the Warriors and helping his wife Debbie with their many grandchildren.

Kathryn Compson

PHRM Doctor


Kathryn Compson

What month you joined ARHT.

Kathryn joined the team in January 2023

After initially training in paramedicine, she moved on to complete medical school. Since then, Kathryn is completing her training in adult and paediatric emergency medicine. She currently splits her time between working as a Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Doctor and the Auckland City Hospital Emergency Department. 

Of her time with the Auckland Westpac Rescue crew? "I enjoy working with such an enthusiastic and dedicated multi-disciplinary team who are always striving to provide the best quality care to our patients, regardless of the challenges that the environment throws our way," she tells us.

Outside of her work, Kathryn keeps busy with trail running, eating apple crumble and convincing people to let her play with their dogs! 

Iain Gulliford

Air Crew Officer

Air Crew Officers

Iain Gulliford

Iain joined the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopters in June 2023.

He spent the previous seven years working on rescue helicopters around the central North Island, predominantly in Tauranga as a Crewman/EMT.

"I’m really enjoying being part of the dynamic team and comradery at Westpac Rescue Auckland and the new skills I’m learning, being able to put those to use helping people in need quite often in challenging situations," he says.

In his down time, Iain enjoys spending time with his wife Hayley and family, boating and fishing on the lakes around Rotorua, walking in the redwoods with their two dogs and catching up with mates.

Andrew Peace

PHRM Doctor


Andrew Peace

Andrew has followed and admired the work of the Auckland Westpac Rescue team for years.

He says it was a genuine privilege to join as a Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Doctor in July 2023.

"I’m looking forward to working alongside, and learning from, such a diverse range of talented people. And Georgia, the team cat, is already a firm friend for life," Andrew says.

Originally from Scotland, Andrew trained and worked as a doctor in the UK, before moving to New Zealand in 2018. He has worked in hospitals across Scotland, London and Auckland, with experience spanning emergency medicine, adult and paediatric intensive care and even some general practice.

In Andrew's spare time, he enjoys a mix of hobbies and interests, including bird watching, gaming, hiking and occasional knitting.

"I can also be found indulging my partner’s love of watching Grey’s Anatomy, whilst explaining, “that’s not really how it works.”

Druvi Gnaniah

PHRM Doctor


Druvi Gnaniah

Druvi joined the team in August last year.

After finishing Med school in Auckland in 2014, Druvi spent a few years in Whangarei before completing his emergency training in Auckland. Druvi spent the final year of his training as a Fellow between the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter service and the Auckland Emergency Department (ED) before becoming an ED consultant at Waitemata in the last few weeks, as well as continuing as a consultant doctor at Auckland Westpac Rescue.

Druvi says he loves working for our charity.

"I love being able to take our skills as a small team out into the community, being able to make a difference in people’s lives often on their worst day, and appreciate our beautiful country at the same time," he says.

Outside of work, Druvi loves spending time with his wife and two active toddler boys.

"I like to get stuck into a bit of home DIY, dabble in a bit of gardening, and indulge in basically any sport. Up the Wahs!"

Emma Wright

Communications Advisor


Emma Wright

Emma joined the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter team in January 2024.

She has an extensive background in film and video production in addition to graphic design and account management. She is enjoying telling our stories and being a part of the supportive, collaborative family that is ARHT and working in the not-for-profit space.

Outside of work she loves spending time with her border terrier, going on hiking adventures, theatre, family and friends.

Shannon Moerland

Maintenance Control Administrator


Shannon Moerland

Shannon joined the team in July 2023.

She is new to the aviation industry but says she has, "Loved every minute of learning all about this exciting and complex new world."

Shannon has two awesome kids and was previously the Treasurer for a volunteer Fire Brigade for 10 years.

She loves jet-skiing, skiing and travelling with her family in her spare time.

Eddie Crawford

PHRM Doctor


Eddie Crawford

Eddie joined the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopters as a Pre-Hospital and Retrieval Medicine Fellow in February 2024.

Originally from Edinburgh in Scotland, he studied medicine at Aberdeen University before consolidating his medical training in the north of Scotland in Inverness and Aberdeen. 

Eddie moved to Auckland in 2018 to take up a post as an emergency medicine registrar and has continued his training in emergency medicine as well as with the Intensive Care College. One of the reasons to move to Auckland was the better weather, as well as the possibility of a job with Westpac Rescue Auckland - now a reality!

Eddie says, "Working with Westpac Rescue is really helping solidify my love of working in small teams, be that on a primary pre-hospital mission or transferring patients between hospitals."

Outside of work, he enjoys trail running, cycling, mountain biking and spending time with his wife and two Scottish Deerhounds.

Ali Vahabzadeh

Business Intelligence Analyst


Ali Vahabzadeh

Ali joined Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopters as a Business Intelligence Analyst in September 2022.

Prior to this role, Ali worked as a Senior Data Analyst at Waitemata and Waikato Hospitals. He is particularly interested in applying various statistical and mathematical models to enhance patient outcomes and improve healthcare provider operational performance.

Ali appreciates the dynamic and collaborative working environment at Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopters, where he can leverage his knowledge and experience to contribute meaningfully to the community.

Outside of work, Ali enjoys engaging in extra curricular activities such as road trips, exploring different cuisines, and hiking.

Ian MacPherson

Chief Executive Officer NRHL


Ian MacPherson

Ian joined the team as the NRHL Safety Manager in November 2021 and became the CEO of NRHL (operators of the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopters) in September 2023.

Ian says "Westpac Rescue Auckland is an outstanding place to work. It’s full of amazing people who save people’s lives every day. The job is challenging, and no two days are the same. I’m motivated by the things we do and the equipment we work with. There is no better job for someone with my background."

His passions outside of work are snow skiing, water sports, boating on the Waitemata, gardening and woodworking.



Tim Vroegop

Air Crew Officer / Co-Pilot


Tim Vroegop

Tim joined Auckland Rescue in 2024. He has always had a passion for flying and aviation in general and spent 12 years in the RNZAF as an aircraft engineer. He started flying helicopters in 2008 whilst also becoming a specialist helicopter engineer.

Tim sees working for Auckland Rescue as a great combination of his passion for flying and the outdoors, together with the opportunity to make a real difference to his local community by being part of a highly trained and close-knit team.

Outside of work, Tim enjoys spending time with his wife and their three boys, and when he can find time, has accumulated a love of many sports, including windsurfing, surfing, wakeboarding, snowboarding, mountain biking, go-karting, and football.

Jonathan Sampson

Critical Care Paramedic


Jonathan Sampson

Before Jono came to work at the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter service, he'd spent 11 years in the ambulance service working as a paramedic, clinical coach and finally dispatching helicopters around New Zealand on the National Air Desk.

Jono says he feels blessed to work with an amazing group of high-performing individuals.

When he applied for the job, it ticked a lot of boxes. It met his need to work in the medical field, the need to stay active (they have bi-annual fitness tests) and the need to live a life full of adventure. He loves working at Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter service and looks forward to many more years. 

In his spare time, he enjoys taking his three boys on adventures to the beach, the bush and beyond. They keep him and his wife Sherilyn on their toes and they love it! 

David Powell



David Powell

David has spent his entire medical career working in aviation, starting with taking up flying lessons while an intern, eventually gaining CPL in helicopter and fixed wing aircraft. The attempt to combine medicine with flying led to the RNZAF, a brief time working with ARHT, a long spell as Chief Medical Officer at Air New Zealand, teaching with Otago University, a stint at Virgin Australia, and most recently five years as the medical advisor to IATA, the global airline body.  

He is also on the Northern Rescue Board, and advises the NZ Airline Pilots Association, still doing some teaching and occasionally some flying for fun.  

David plays saxophone and double bass in a couple of small groups locally, and recently acquired a grandson.  


Michael Dineen



Michael Dineen

Michael became a trustee in February 2024.  He is a commercial and personal services lawyer with 36 years’ experience in a large NZ law firm before leaving in 2015 to become a sole practitioner.  He has along-term passion for aviation since living overseas in the 1960s and regrets not having obtained a pilot’s licence. 

Michael has for over 30 years been involved in a governance role with CCS Disability Action Auckland. 

He has five adult children, six grandchildren and a young Westie called Maisie.

Tea Armer



Tea Armer

Tea joined Auckland Rescue in July 2024 after finishing college at Baradene College of the Sacred Heart.

Tea enjoys socialising with her friends and family in her spare time.

She is a former jazz dancer, being part of a team that came second in a competition representing New Zealand in 2018.

Corey Milnes

Air Crew Officer

Air Crew Officers

Corey Milnes

Corey Milnes joined the Ardmore team in July 2024. Corey comes to us from the somewhat ‘colder’ climes of Christchurch and is an experienced ‘Crewie’ and EMT who has previously worked for Hato Hone St John, Garden City Helicopters and has also worked in Australia.

Corey was a jockey for 15 years before realising aviation was a better form of transport and way less risky!

In his spare time Corey enjoys playing golf, whitebaiting, horseriding and hanging out with his wife and children.

Cameron Brown

Critical Care Paramedic


Cameron Brown

Cameron has worked in the pre-hospital ambulance environment for the past 12 years, and the last two years as a Critical Care Paramedic. 

He is looking forward to joining the highly skilled team at Northern Rescue, where it will enhance his clinical skills and help him gain a whole new skill set working in the rescue helicopter environment. 

Outside of work he enjoys spending time with his family, going on adventures with their dogs and likes to keep fit with a passion for triathlon. 

Jamie Riggs

PHRM Doctor


Jamie Riggs

Jamie joined the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopters as a clinical fellow in August 2024. He is currently completing the last year of his Emergency Medicine residency training through the University of Toronto in Toronto, Canada.

He is thrilled to join the group for the year and looks forward to learning from this world-class team.

When not on shift at Ardmore he spends his time in the Auckland City Hospital ED, riding all sorts of bikes, skiing up and down hills, and exploring Aotearoa New Zealand with his wife.

Aaron Thompson

PHRM Doctor


Aaron Thompson

Originally from South Wales, Aaron, along with his whānau, emigrated to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2020. He will complete his Specialist training in Emergency Medicine later this year. 

He is excited to be a part of such a dynamic, devoted and diverse team that is so well-placed to put patient care at the absolute centre of all they do.  His initial experiences working as part of the team have been thrilling and humbling in equal measure!

When off-base, he can be mainly found trying to keep up with his two inexhaustible sons. Alongside his amazing wife, they love adventuring through and discovering more of this amazing and incomparable whenua.  He has learned watching and following the All Blacks is a complete rollercoaster ride (unless they are facing the mighty Wales of course – Cymru am byth!)

Teneale Hatton

Critical Care Paramedic


Teneale Hatton

Teneale joined the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service in July 2024 and comes to us from a background of surf lifesaving which is where she developed a love for adventure and helping others in their time of need. This evolved into a journey in paramedicine which she has been practicing for the last ten years.

Teneale grew up wanting to work on the Auckland Westpac Rescue helicopters and to get involved in search and rescue operations, combining both with the medical field. She is looking forward to the challenge of learning a range of new skills and working with the team as a Critical Care Paramedic.

In her spare time, she loves to run, mountain bike, wind foil and kayak. 

Pippa Wetzell



Pippa Wetzell

You’ve seen her on the telly, most recently as presenter for Fair-Go and defender of Kiwis who have been left with very little options.  Pippa Wetzell is a welcome addition to many of our homes, at least once a week, and she often does the odd stint on Seven Sharp and Breakfast too.

Pippa started working at TVNZ, one of our Corporate Sponsors, inthe 90s, straight out of a Communications Degree. Working the overnight shift on the news desk, Pippa’s roles included reporting and producing for Breakfast, Midday News, and Business. She was also a reporter for ONE News for five years, before taking up the presenting role on Breakfast.

A busy mum as well, we are very fortunate to have Pippa on board as our Ambassador, flying the flag for her local Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service on top of her everyday life. Pippa tells us that supporting the service is an easy choice.

“There are so many wonderful stories of people whose lives have been saved because of the Auckland and Coromandel Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service,” she says, “I’m born and bred in Auckland and we holiday regularly in the Coromandel too. My family has spent a lot of time out and about exploring these beautiful regions and appreciate the incredible service the helicopter provides.”

Pippa has another special connection with the Trust. “My Dad was a surf lifesaver at Piha for many years starting in the 1960s. I understand the first rescue helicopter service was based out of Piha in the 70s and he would assist with rescues. It’s something he’s very proud of.”

“We Kiwis are an adventurous bunch,” she tells us, “We love to get out and explore our beautiful country and I wholeheartedly encourage that. It does mean though that you can find yourself out of the reach of facilities that you might need should an accident strike – you never know when you might need them.”

Pippa’s family have never needed to use the service themselves and she hopes they never will. “Every time I see them flying, it gives me pause for thought. You realise there is a family somewhere who is going through significant angst.”

Pippa’s three kids think helicopters are “fabulous”. “Ambulance helicopters (as they like to call them) are the ultimate though! They’re keen to have a close up look, but look, if I’m being totally honest, I hope they never have to get too close a look!”

We hope so too. From our crew to you, thank you Pippa for your generous support. 

Jacob Lillyman



Jacob Lillyman

The team of the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter are excited to welcome on board Jacob “Ox” Lillyman as an Ambassador for our service.

Jacob is an ex-professional Rugby League player who played for the New Zealand Warriors, North Queensland Cowboys and Newcastle Knights and proudly represented Queensland in the State of Origin series.

Being with his Kiwi sweetheart of eight years and mum to his three children, Tui-kay, Jacob is enjoying hanging up his boots and giving his body a “bit of a rest”.

He loves New Zealand for its abundant fishing, beautiful beaches and relaxed way of life. The couple, who spend a lot of time on Waiheke Island, are grateful for the early and safe delivery of their youngest son Xade, on board the Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter.


Ati Wynyard

Senior Aircrew Officer Instructor

Air Crew Officers

Ati Wynyard

Originally born in Taupo and raised in the stunning Bay of Islands, Ati has had a diverse career, including military service, EMS experience and work in the health and safety sector.  

Ati worked with ARHT from 2010 to 2018 and rejoined as an Aircrew Officer in 2024.  

In his free time, he enjoys fishing, sports (especially being involved in his kids' activities) and spending quality time with whānau and friends.